Nairobi, Kenya: 25 October 2018

Nairobi, Kenya
25 October 2018

The WATS in Nairobi on Oct 25 had 41 registrants from Kenya, Tanzania & Rwanda. The visiting faculty included Prof Sublett, USA, discussing Food allergy & anaphylaxis, Prof Meadows, USA, presenting Asthma, Prof Levin, South Africa, discussing Skin Allergies, and Prof Fineman, USA, presenting Allergy Skin Testing, Immunotherapy, & Drug Allergy. Workshops and case discussions included participation with local faculty including Prof Bowry, Kiragu, Owour, Waris, Ndaratai, Bagha and Irungu.

WATS Nairobi faculty

Prof Fineman teaching students

Prof Fineman teaching at the WATS in Nairobi